The Atom of Craft
Jonas Bergstrand | Illustrator, Stockholm
Colour // Dot Black

No project, nor person, is an island, and this was something well understood by designer and illustrator, Jonas Bergstrand.
This Swedish illustrator grew up in the perfect environment to achieve his aspirations. Today he works tirelessly to help others reach their goals as well.
What is it that brings great ideas to life? Determination and hard work are vital, yet there’s one key ingredient that often goes overlooked: support from others. Having the right people close to you insurmountably increases the chances of finding success.
Jonas lived a typical life in Sweden, an environment that was perfect to achieve his many dreams. Sweden has a culture that is more accepting of artistic careers, leading to many more opportunities for artists to hone their craft. In addition to the country, Jonas’s parents played just as big a role in giving Jonas the encouragement to pursue a career as an illustrator.
The positive foundation set by everyone around Jonas allowed him to push boundaries, grow and become the successful illustrator he is today.
“It’s possible [with] parents and a good system in this country, it’s very supportive of creativity and choices. So you have full support from both sides, it can be very motivating.”
It was clear to Jonas how his success stemmed from the environment he grew up in. The environment provided by his parents and by his country gave him the opportunities to be where he is today. Dot Stockholm was founded from a desire to give others a similar opportunity to bring their ambitions to life. When the spark of a great idea comes to people, it takes a designer to turn that spark into something the world can see and enjoy.
According to Jonas Bergstrand and his business partner Jonas Björkman, everything begins with a single, small dot. The dot is the atom to their craft. It is a humble name but holds grand ambitions. It also stands for “Design Over Time”.
With effort, that single point will lead to the next one, then the one after that, and so on until those dots have assembled into a line. Lines layer to become shapes, exactly like the ideas in our heads. They grow and become more real as we continue to build on them and expand. The universe itself began from a point of both nothing and everything.
“There is always one good solution and that is my job to find it. Keep at it until you find it.”
Since Jonas became a professional illustrator, he has worked with others to bring so many new and creative ideas to life, designs that would have died as a single point without the help of a professional illustrator to bring it to life. Jonas has worked with companies, both big and small, inspiring upcoming artists through his diligence and work. Jonas’s story is one that shows the power we have to build others up. Because with a little kindness and support, we can help those around us reach their goals, and make the world a more inspiring place.
His goal is not just to be successful in what he does, it’s about leaving something behind, and there is something tingling about this thought.
“Playfulness has always been an integral part of creativity and the spark makes the design come to life.”
-Jonas B

Photography / Ben Yew
Words / Cameron Leeco
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