Two Feet & A Heartbeat
Ryan Mossny | Matagarup Zip+Climb, Perth
Colour // Kaizen Green

Take chances, learn something new, and follow your heart; you’ll be surprised with how much potential you have when you take the leap and try. Ryan Mossny always had a unique love for challenging himself. He would find inspiration from taking the roads less traveled, allowing him to learn quickly and see the world from different angles. It was this adventurous spirit that led to the many opportunities in his life, all of which led to him co-founding and managing the longest zip line in Western Australia, the Metagarup Zip+Climb in Perth.
Originally from Canada, he started as an average college student, trying to figure out what he would do in life. With a desire to travel, and not wanting to wait until later in life to do so, he decided to take a risk, and planned an expedition across the world. He traveled to New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Europe, and South America. Seeing so many different cultures allowed Ryan to connect with people from different backgrounds, and understand the world on an intimate level. There was a desire he had to learn about what different countries and people were like, and this was something he was willing to put his career on hold for to witness firsthand.
After travelling for years, Mossny decided it was time to start setting down. He landed a position in Melbourne, Australia, working for a global electronics company. Mossny would frequently travel across Australia to Perth, where he would pitch foreign devices that he and the company believed would help the people there. He had clients from countries like Japan who wanted to expand into the Australian market.
Mossny thrived in this environment. His travels and experiences taught him to break cultural barriers between businesses and buyers. But Mossny felt like he needed more out of a career. Opportunity revealed itself again when a friend and coworker, who was also named Ryan, invited him to permanently move to Perth so they could start a touring business together. After a beautiful scooter ride through Perth, Mossny realized that this was where he wanted to be. That was when the duo founded the Two Feet & A Heartbeat touring company.
By working together, their passion grew into an award-winning company. With the amount of success that their enterprise brought, it made sense to expand into different ventures. This was when the Ryans began their ziplining business. Their passion for the business and thoughtfulness for the client allowed them to quickly see exponential growth for their company. One of their ideas was to give people free photos that were automatically emailed to the patrons. Not only was this a gesture that left people feeling great about their experience, it was also their marketing strategy. Exciting photos that people shared on social media became free advertising. In time, their accomplishments allowed Mossny to take up a new challenge and start working on Australia’s longest zipline, quickly becoming one of the most popular tourist attractions in Perth.
“It’s more than just doing zip line, which is fun in itself. It’s about the experience from the moment they come in again with our first group tonight.”
Small things can make all the difference, it’s nothing extraordinary. It’s something really simple as having a plan, executing that plan, but then having a vision about if things don’t work a hundred percent is that sort of Japanese view of Kaizen, which is continuous improvement.
“We’re about delivering an amazing experience for people who were here. And that’s what we’re about.”
It was Mossny decisions to travel early in life, to move to Perth, to take his friend’s offer that led to the success and accolades that he had. People will say you need to have a plan for your life. While this is true to an extent, we can’t possibly predict everything that can happen to us. Sometimes, we need to take chances, stay determined, and turn the unexpected bits of life into opportunities.

Photography / Ben Yew
Words / Nicole Everett
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